Sign in

Signing in

  1. Navigate to and click "Sign in".
  2. Enter your provided username and password and click "Sign in". Your username is not case sensitve, but the password is case sensitive.
  3. If you have two-factor authentication enabled, an email code will be sent to you. Either click the link in that email, or enter the code into this page.
  4. When you are logged in, you arrive at the landing page, "System overview"
    1. This is the top navigation toolbar. From here, you can select the device (or "context") to interact with, and which device feature to use. This toolbar is available on every page.
    2. This is your account menu. From here, you can select "Account Settings" to update your login details, email, change password etc., or sign out. This toolbar is available on every page.
    3. This is the context toolbar. The left-hand side indicates which page you are on, and the right-hand side includes controls specific to the page you are on.
    4. This is the sidebar:
      The sidebar includes controls specific to the page you are on. On smaller screens and mobile devices, the sidebar will automatically collapse. To toggle the sidebar on small screens, either swipe right or click the "Expand sidebar" button on the bottom left of the screen:
    5. This is the workspace area, which contains the main content for the page you are on.
    6. This is the footer, which appears on every page. Depending on which page you are on, extra controls may appear here.
      • On small screens, the "toggle sidebar" button will appear here.
      • When a device is selected, a "current status" button appears to show the latest monitoring information about that device.
      • the "Help" button appears here to open this user manual
    7. Controls that are specific to the page you are on may appear in the footer.